FAQ -> Shipping & Delivery
Can orders also be picked up at your location?
Yes, you can come pick up your orders from our warehouse at any time. Orders can usually be picked up the next working day. In rare cases we will inform you if it might take longer or if it can be picked up straight away if necessary.
Which shipping service provider is used to ship?
We send our packages throughout Germany with DHL & UPS
Shipping time?
Shipping usually takes 1-5 business days. How quickly your package gets to you is entirely up to DHL. We will ship the goods as soon as the receipt of money has been registered with us.
Do you send your packages every day?
No, shipping only takes place during the week from Monday to Friday.
Shipment tracking?
A tracking link is sent to every customer in the shipping email so that they can track the status of the shipment at any time.
Payment Methods:
- Advance payment via bank transfer (online bank transfer or bank transfer slip)
- Credit card payment
- Paypal
General questions
Do you also have a branch?
No, sales only take place online. In individual cases, the purchased products can also be picked up from the warehouse.
When can I reach customer service?
You can reach our customer service from Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
How do I contact customer service?
Tel: 040 285 38 34 26
Email: info@smokey-dealz.de