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Business & private customer service 09:00 - 17:00 - 040 285 38 34
Business & private customer service 09:00 - 17:00 - 20:00 - 040 285 38 34

Disposal of old devices and batteries

Note on the disposal of used batteries

The following notice is aimed at those who use batteries or products with built-in batteries and no longer resell them in the form delivered to them (end users):

1. Free return of used batteries

Batteries must not be disposed of with household waste. You are legally obliged to return used batteries so that they can be disposed of correctly. You can hand in used batteries at a municipal collection point or at your local store. As a battery distributor, we are also obliged to take back old batteries, although our take-back obligation is limited to used batteries of the type that we carry or have carried as new batteries in our range. You can therefore either send used batteries of the aforementioned type back to us with sufficient postage or hand them in free of charge directly to our shipping warehouse at the following address:

Smokey Dealz

Kieler Straße 103

22769 Hamburg

2. Meaning of battery symbols

Batteries are marked with the symbol of a crossed out garbage can (see below). This symbol indicates that batteries must not be disposed of with household waste. For batteries that contain more than 0.0005 percent by mass of mercury, more than 0.002 percent by mass of cadmium or more than 0.004 percent by mass of lead, the chemical name of the pollutant used is located under the garbage can symbol - where "Cd" stands for cadmium, "Pb " stands for lead, and "Hg" stands for mercury."

garbage can

Information for private households

Manufacturer/importer information in accordance with Section 18 Paragraph 4 ElektroG (new)
The Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG) contains a variety of requirements for the handling of electrical and electronic equipment. The most important ones are compiled here.

1. Separate collection of old devices
Electrical and electronic equipment that has become waste is referred to as old equipment. Owners of old devices must collect them separately from unsorted municipal waste. In particular, old devices do not belong in the household waste, but in special collection and return systems.

2. Batteries and accumulators
Owners of old devices must generally separate old batteries and accumulators that are not enclosed by the old device from the old device before handing them over to a collection point. This does not apply if old devices are prepared for reuse with the involvement of a public waste disposal agency.

3. Options for returning old devices
Owners of old devices from private households can hand them in free of charge at the collection points of the public waste disposal authorities or at the collection points set up by the manufacturers or distributors in accordance with the ElektroG. Shops with a sales area of ​​at least 400 m² for electrical and electronic equipment as well as those grocery stores with a total sales area of ​​at least 800 m² that offer electrical and electronic equipment several times a year or permanently and make them available on the market are subject to take-back. This also applies to sales using means of distance communication if the storage and shipping areas for electrical and electronic equipment are at least 400 m² or the total storage and shipping areas are at least 800 m². Distributors must generally ensure return through suitable return options within a reasonable distance from the respective end user. The possibility of returning an old device free of charge exists for distributors who are obliged to take it back, among other things, if a new, similar device that essentially fulfills the same functions is given to an end user. If a new device is delivered to a private household, the old device of the same type can also be handed over there for collection free of charge; This applies to sales using means of distance communication for devices in categories 1, 2 or 4 in accordance with Section 2 Paragraph 1 ElektroG, namely “heat exchangers”, “screen devices” or “large devices” (the latter with at least one external dimension over 50 centimeters). End users are asked about their intention to return when concluding a purchase contract. There is also the possibility of returning free of charge to the distributor's collection points, regardless of the purchase of a new device, for old devices that are not larger than 25 centimeters in any external dimension, limited to three old devices per device type.

4. Meaning of the “crossed-out trash can” symbol
The symbol of a crossed-out garbage can, which is regularly shown on electrical and electronic devices, indicates that the device in question must be collected separately from unsorted municipal waste at the end of its service life.

garbage can